Wondering is it bad luck to tell people your test date


I recently took my PN exam on October 18,2013 and I sent a text message out to 15 people that I felt helped me in some kind of way.Well I failed so I sent a text message out to those same 15 people and let them know.My sister yelled at me and told me I shouldnt of told everybody my test date and that kind of stuff you suppose to keep to yourself.Im not a secrective person so I didnt feel a need to keep it to myself,now Im kind of scared and find myself telling stories about my next test date because Im wondering if what she said have any truth to it.I need some advice I hate making up stories cause they never turn out the same once you tell it once :no:

It's not necessarily 'bad luck' to tell people when you're taking the nclex. I always did feel like it added extra pressure and stress though. Personally, when I took the nclex, I told no one and when my results finally came in, it was like a surprise gift to everyone who helped me along the way. They had no idea I took the test but they were proud that I had passed. At least if I had failed, no one would know. Lol goodluck in pursuing your career! You can do it!

lol your right my phone wouldnt stop ringing after I took my test and I was so upset that I failed I didnt even want to talk about it.I think the more I talked about it the more depressed I got.I think Im going to keep it a secret this time:yes:

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