without a paddle


I hate to admit I'm only here to read the new grad horror stories. I, myself, am a new grad 5 months fresh out of NS. I work in the ER - my dream job. I'm here as a reality check to myself that I am not the only one struggling. I must have it better than some since I don't cry before work, during work, or on my days off. My stress level is through the roof though, I am nauseous ALL the time. No, I am not pregnant, yes I am 100% sure. Some days I do feel like crying, but there is no time! In my mind crying takes time and solves nothing. Or at least that is what I tell myself, but God knows I would like a good cry.

I'm thankful for my job, and super thankful that I got the job of my dreams. I know I would be even more unhappy on med/surg or a floor.

I go back tonight for 5 12s in a row. Last shift I worked last week I was so overwhelmed I tuned everything out, and lost my compassion. I was a robot. I don't like getting to that point. Staffing called every day I had off to get me to add on. I said No to save my sanity. It's my birthday tomorrow, I'm gonna milk it and ask to be put in my favorite zone. :) I hope they will.

Thanks to all those who support the new grads. You're angels!

Specializes in Ortho, Neuro, Detox, Tele.

wow.....60 hrs at the same j? did they schedule you for that, or did you pick up? I couldn't imagine working 60 hrs in a row in the ER....I work between the hospital and nursing home that much and by the end, I'm fried....and that's a lot less stress. I would advise cutting back, and getting some rest....or if you can, try to pace yourself as much as possible, and take your time at work...

I will have some time off next week so I scheduled myself for 5 to prevent my check from being too short. Normally I work 3. Well, it was my birthday on the 11th so Sunday and Monday night, after asking my CM with a pretty please, I got to work in a less stressful zone. I had a wonderful 2 nights, and tonight is not too shabby either. Lets hope that is setting the tone for the remaining 2 days.

I understand where you are coming from. I too am a new ER grad and feel like a chicken with my head cut off. I feel like did i learn anything in nursing school I am worried half of the time because you think that the more experinced nurses are looking at you crazy you worry if they are going to fire you when you get off of orientation,will i ever get this. It is a constant world wind. I am leaning to put my faith first. To trust that if this is the job for me i will continue. From one new grad to another lets keep on trucking and push forward. If you have any ideas on how you get through some of those unbearable days just as a support system to help through the days. Keep your head up

Specializes in ER.

5 shifts in a row is an invitation to burnout, if you aren't already there. Just say no!

As a new guy in the ED you have enough stress, don't try to kill yourself in the bargain.

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