Wife has Bipolar Disorder, and is a RN


My wife has bipolar disorder and is a RN in the state of NJ,

She's been convicted of a disorderly persons offense at the public school, and as part of her plea banned from all of the schools/grounds. This was in the Spring of 2008.

Also in the Spring, she was found guilty of 2 counts of domestic violence, assault and harassment to me, and I was given a permanent restraining order against her, that she has violated multiple times (and been arrested for each). She is currently being prosecuted in the Superior Court for these violations.

She has been treated by a psychiatrist (but misses most appointments), and been an inpatient in a mental hospital, and has had thoughts of harming herself and others. (hence why she was in the hospital). These have been going on for the past 8-10 years.

She is now talking to friends etc, about going back and doing private duty nursing (home care for disabled children etc), and has not worked as a nurse since the winter of 2007 (around thanksgiving).

This all scares me, and it is scary that she would be doing private duty in the home. Is this something that should be reported to the nursing board, and is it something that would affect her license.

What should I do? Or should I do nothing?

Specializes in Vents, Telemetry, Home Care, Home infusion.

new jersey board of nursing mandatory reporting guidelines

what should be reported:

level i - always requires reporting to the board of nursing

  • conduct that clearly violates expected standards of care and may result in various degrees of harm
  • conduct that demonstrates a pattern of poor judgment or skill

examples: suspected drug diversion, misappropriation, theft, physical/verbal abuse, sexual abuse or exploitation, falsification of documents, cover-ups, a single serious medication error, repeated medication errors or charting errors, signing out without a physician's order or failing to account for wastage of controlled medication, serious medication errors, arrests, indictments and convictions, intoxication on duty and patient neglect (such as failing to properly assess, treat, monitor, notify or intervene).

these are the guidelines that nj bon uses to identify nurses who may provide unsafe care.

documentation will be required.... and looked at from all angles especially from a spouse who has restraining order against wife. your writings show her mental health issues have lead to legal problems; therefore bon would want to ensure she is a safe practitioner.

i would consult with your lawyer as to who should report concerns to bon.

this is never an easy decision and has far reaching impact. hoping that you both are able to receive advice and caring assistance to move forward with your lives.

please use our admin help desk if you need further assistance.

er ourp terms of service we can not provide legal advice.

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