Published Aug 17, 2014
103 Posts
So the last time I was on here I was working towards my pre-reqs for nursing at a community college. Well life happened. I got a full time job, had another baby and ended up in a 7 month MA program. I was skeptical from the start because I've heard how hard it was to find a job...well I let my friend and admissions talk me into it, and I started 3 weeks later. From the beginning I had doubts. The students thought they were basically going to be nurses and the instructors didn't make it any better. They kept saying we were going to take the nurses jobs, and we could do everything a nurse could could that be when i got half way through the program and we hadn't even started doing things an MA could do?? All of our work came from two books for the whole program. It was all very basic......basic math and english.....very basic anatomy. I was doing very well....but the cost, time (m-f 9-4) just made me not want to do it any more. I was not satisfied. I was tired of spelling tests and other random things to keep us busy. I thought it would be more hands on. And it just wasn't worth 12k. So here I am, back to square one. I thought it would be a quick way to enter the health care field. I still want to be a nurse so I guess I better pick back up on my pre-reqs. I just needed to vent. Ugh.
51 Posts
Two ladies that I know went through an associate degree MA program a few yrs back. They were told a lot of the same by their school.
I was very skeptical about it right from the beginning. They were promised, by the program recruiters and teachers, that they would be as good as any nurse and that they would be in demand.
Neither ever found a job as an MA.
And I had given up trying to explain the difference between a nurses education and responsibilities vs an MA. Their school really had them convinced. Seemed pretty shady if you ask me. And an associate degree to be an MA, to make maybe $10/hr? Just crazy if you ask me.
739 Posts
Well you can definitely move on from here. Keep working on the pre reqs for your school's nursing program and keep your head up. If you want to become a nurse then make it happen girl