Why did you go into Nursing?

Nurses General Nursing


I was asked today why I went into Nursing. It has been a long time since someone has asked me that,let alone my answer. I of course said, "because I wanted to help people." I was also asked if I could do it over, what would I be instead? I couldn't come up with a answer. I love Nursing, even though I do get tired and frustrated with it sometimes. But, I just don't know what else I would want to do. I was just curious how other nurses and even nursing students would answer that question. Look forward to your responses. Tara

RED ALERT---Call/E-mail everyone!!!

ABC 20/20 Nursing story is on for Nov 26th

Pass it on

Read this from Silvia;

Thanks. I hope a lot of people will see the story. The AHA president is

already doing damage control -- interestingly, not by alleging that our

story is wrong. That would be a stretch, given the number of nurses I've

heard from.

Sylvia Johnson

ABC 20/20

Hmm, I wonder if I want to admit this... redface.gif)

I did not go in to Nursing to help people per se... It *was* something that interested me but I went into the career because I knew that there would be jobs at the end of the road. At that time, they were crying for nurses and, even when jobs became scarce, I was ok because of all my experience. I do not regret my decision, I enjoy nursing very much (should say "enjoyed" because I'm now working as a medical editor) and I am glad that I chose that path. And, if I had not studied and worked as a nurse for over 15 years, I probably would not be in my new career.


We all became nurses for different personal reasons. The fact that we do it well and we enjoy it is what really counts. There are so many different directions we can go in as we mature and gain knowledge and experience.

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