Why do countries in demand of nursing require nurses to have experience?


Why do countries in demand of nursing require overseas nurses to have experience?

I know these countries have the right to be choosy. But I think overseas fresh nursing graduates registered in their respective countries would be also competent in rendering nursing care abroad too, given that they pass the required examinations/programs to be able to work abroad. I sense an impending sermon/lecture in 3,2,1! ahihi! :nurse:

The reason why they are demanding experince is because "they have a right to demand experience". If you're seeking licensure in another country you need to follow their requirements in order to obtain licensure whether there is a demand for nurses in that country or not. Just as there are some countries who mass produce nurses and encourage them to seek licensure abroad when they themselves wont even license foreigners.

Why is it that there's a surplus of nurses internationally? Why are there some schools who promises work abroad (who have a surplus of nurses of their own) when there is a surplus of nurses in their own country? Why must these schools rely on other countries to employ their citizens when they can't either?

Specializes in surgery.
Why do countries in demand of nursing require overseas nurses to have experience?

I know these countries have the right to be choosy. But I think overseas fresh nursing graduates registered in their respective countries would be also competent in rendering nursing care abroad too, given that they pass the required examinations/programs to be able to work abroad. I sense an impending sermon/lecture in 3,2,1! ahihi! :nurse:

Simple point without a lecture:

Experience makes a world of difference. Until you are the sole person responsible for your actions and you have to think on your own, sometimes in the blink of an eye, it doesn't matter how many exams you've taken or programs you have been through.

Specializes in Advanced Practice, surgery.

Because once you qualify you begin to learn the reality of nursing rather than the theory and having to learn to be a nurse and adjust to a new culture of nursing would be too much.

Blast-off, Countries that you say have a demand for nurses do not. This has been discussed before on the Australian forum but if you ignore it, it may go away.

Countries that 'claim to be short of nurses' it is for experienced or specialised nurses, not nurses that are massed produced and considered an export by their own country, with no experience.

Also one must speak the language fluently of the importing country which can be difficult for some when most of the culture, drugs and health system is totally different to that of exporting country when they have not practised as a sole practitioner themselves in exporting country.

Nurses who think they know everything from the very start of their career are very dangerous to the patients of the importing country. I have seen it happen :uhoh3:

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