Why cant we all just get along?

Nurses General Nursing


Sometimes I just want the people I work with to like me,to support me etc. and other times Ill take an issue with someone,which ususally alienates them,despite my efforts to be professional.

How important is it for you that the nurses you work with like you?,talk to you? be friendly? And does the need for love and belonging by your fellow nurses take a priority over speaking your mind about any issue at work which would put you at risk for being alienated from others?

I know some who never say what they should be said,in a professional manner of course,cause they dont want to be disliked.

Unhappy people can make life at work a living hell, can't they? I have worked with b*tchy nurses who are peeved with another and thus withhold important info in report, etc. Unforgivable in my opinion...particularly when it ends up harming a patient, but it happens. Vicious people are everywhere, unfortunately, not just in nursing. :(

It takes awhile when we're young nurses to 'figure things out' in the workplace and find our place. I agree with those who said 'do a good job and don't worry about being liked so much'... BUT....that being said , I feel we must also learn to choose our battles wisely and recognize politically charged atmospheres...or we risk self destructing...I did this once. I ignored my 'little voice' telling me to 'get out ...NOW' and contented myself with doing a great job, certain I would eventually win the vicious nurses over. Well, it didn't work..and I found out the hard way..LOL!

In retrospect, I blame myself for discounting the interpersonal aspects of the workplace...it can be risky. (even when we're right)

Hospital politics are the pits. :(

Excellent post and replies. How ironic that his very subject came up at work just today. I agree with just about every reply posted.

I never scarifice my integrity (professional or otherwise) on the job to keep others happy. What's right is right; no if's and's or buts about it.


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