Who's ready to return ??


Specializes in School Nursing.

okay, call me crazy, but i am sooooo ready for school to begin. i still have about a month to go on my summer break, but i have done everything i set out to do. along with some rest of course ! i just am so ready to go back to the kids, by this time of the summer. i guess you could say i love my job ! :heartbeat are there any other school nurse's who are ready to return to the daily grind ?? enjoy the rest of your break folks :chuckle

Specializes in School Nursing.

Ready for the break when it comes and ready to go back when it's time. I do love the kids and by this time of the summer, I miss them. I have kept myself quite busy though. Just wish I didn't have to go back and face all the new immunization regulations that have come our way this year!!

:nurse:I am starting to feel that nudge to get back to school, am thinking about ways to streamline my registration process, etc .....though I still want to make the MOST of these last few weeks of summer! Plus, I'm excited - after several years in a middle school, I'll be at a K-5 building (same corporation) this year! I'll miss the kids & staff from my 6-8 bldg, but am just ready for a change!

No way. When you have a house there is just never enough time to get it all done. Plus I hate getting up so early. If only I could be part-time! Of course I have a second job so I did work some over the summer, but it went so fast! I look at the school calendar and it looks like forever until we get any days off. The kids I miss, but everything else I don't. I am glad to hear that some of you are ready to go back. At least you are not dreading it!

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