Published Aug 19, 2009
19 Posts
Well that was a fast year! Graduated LPN school with a 94 overall average on Aug 13, pinning ceremony on Aug 20 and have had 2 interviews so far. One job is looking promising, but it's at the VA's LTC section of the facility. NOT too keen on LTC, but hospitals aren't hiring, so gotta do what ya gotta do I guess.
Congrats to the class of 2009 and take care! And to the LPN students starting, good luck, study hard, try not to stress out too much!
retired military and now Nurse (once boards are passed)
69 Posts
Congratulations! and good luck to you out there.
160 Posts
you sound like you have a great attitude. congratulations!
NurseLoveJoy88, ASN, RN
3,959 Posts
Congrats and Good Luck !!!!
37 Posts
I'm a graduate LPN as well. Graduated 6/25. My classmates as well as myself are having a difficult time finding employment. Most place won't even offer you an interview without being licensed. Have you experienced this????
I've had 3 interviews now, all but the VA won't consider me for the position until licensed. I did a phone interview yesterday for an urgent care clinic, I have EMT background, but they need someone right now and passed on me once found out it'll be several weeks before I take my boards. She did say that she'll hold onto my resume until then, we'll see what happens with that.
Good luck, of the grads who have jobs (few) they are already CNA's in LTC or they impressed the instructors, one girl had a 100% average for LPN school, makes my 94 look paltry. Her friend had a 99%, they should get a job quickly. I was VP of the Honor society and I'm hoping that will help me stand above the crowd to at least get some interviews. Hard to be picky about which jobs to take in this economic climate though.
Good luck
btw: Have you not taken your boards yet??
I haven't taken the boards yet. I'm anxiously awaiting a date. As far as jobs go I've decide to not even apply anwhere else until I'm licensed.