Who works at Kaiser? Help!!

Nurses General Nursing


My husbands employer screwed up and to make a long story short my husband is in the hospital with no insurance. They just cancelled it. When the docs and nurses chart him etc. will they see that he is cancelled? Does it happen that fast in the system computer etc.?


Must know more about it- Did your husband pay for the insurance?

We have had insurance forever and he was paralyzed in an accident. Insurance was supposed to last for 9 months but union told us 18 months so they messed up and suddenly say we "ran out of insurance" since Jan 2007... So as he lay in the hospital the union cancelled our insurance. I know because i tried kp.org and said I wasn't a member so I called and found out.

* husband was in the electrician union

Specializes in Ortho, Med surg and L&D.
My husbands employer screwed up and to make a long story short my husband is in the hospital with no insurance. They just cancelled it. When the docs and nurses chart him etc. will they see that he is cancelled? Does it happen that fast in the system computer etc.?



Your concern is that the docs and nurses will see it? Not that there is a lack of coverage?

I do not understand this.

Wishing you the best, in all of this.


edit because I read post number three...I do not know if the docs and nurses will see it when they chart...I would suggest to talk with a case manager/Nursing or Social work, asap, (maybe even go with a "private" case manager and not one through the hospital)

I just want him to get his medicine and get home. He is due to get out Saturday. I don't want them to ask him to leave today and then we can't afford his meds. I have already applied for medi-cal

I just want him to get his medicine and get home. He is due to get out Saturday. I don't want them to ask him to leave today and then we can't afford his meds. I have already applied for medi-cal

I feel like I've been punched in the gut, and I don't even know you-

Get a good lawyer-

If he needs to be in the hospital they cannot just kick him out but they may transfer him to a non-Kaiser facility. The insurance status should not show up on the chart. It's not the doctors and nurses who decide what to do because of insurance status anyway, they're not the ones you have to worry about.

I agree that you need to contact an attorney. You might be able to have at least this whole visit covered since he was covered when it started.

Specializes in home health, peds, case management.

1. if your husband's insurance was effective on the date that he entered the hospital, they must continue coverage thru his discharge. remember that an insurance company can not order his discharge. only the attending may sign off on the d/c order.

2. i'm not sure the union has the right to cancel his coverage after 9 months....assuming that this is a cobra policy, they allow you to continue for 18 months. an attorney is not a bad idea, but it may be cheaper to try working with the union rep to begin with. is it the labor union that provides the insurance or the employer? if it is the employer, get in touch with the hr benefits rep and also see if they have a patient advocate available.

3. good that you have applied for medi cal. make sure you talk to that caseworker asap. inquire as to whether any emergency aid is available.

4. make sure his care team is aware that you are unable to afford meds. you may be provided with samples and a lower cost regimen.

my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. please feel free to send me a private message if i can provide any further assistance.

care should be just as good, with or without insurance.

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