Published Jun 27, 2007
1,408 members have participated
What do you prefer to wear at work? Please elaborate if you have a strong opinion.
54 Posts
After Working In A Pediatric Office Which Do You Think Kids Run From And Scream At The Most? A Nurse In All White Which Terrifies Them Or A Nurse Wearing A Puppy Dog And Kitty Scrub Top???? Basic Logic.
Your capitalization skills are phenomenal!!!
3 Posts
i think people should be able to wear whatever color they want. the color of your uniform does not have any bearing on the quality of care you give a patient.
11 Posts
Working in the ED, I can't imagine having to wear white again. I can't count the number of times I've had to change from even my grey or blue scrubs from the blood and vomit we get to endure daily. I would need a very high uniform allowance to be able to buy that many sets of whites...hmm..more And I could never get that stupid little white cap to stay on my head.
4 Posts
It really doesn't matter to me, but I have been to hospitals where I didn't know who was who. I have seen some hospitals color code based on LPN red: RN green: CNA for an example.
I really like that idea. Yes it is nice to be fashionable in scrubs, but are we there to look good or do our jobs. No offense by that comment.
just a hint with undergarments and white uniforms...don't wear white underneath...find a nude or can't see them like you can white because it is close to flesh color.
I also would rather have colors. Plain white is depressing for me. I can only imagine that in such a sterile environment, a little color will go a long way to improve the mood of a patient. From personal experience, I believe attitude goes a long way for the rate of recovery for many patients.
2 Posts
Ok, here's my 2 cents worth--in the facility where I work, colors are according to specialty--housekeeping, lab, radiology/nuc med, OR, etc...My department (Cath Lab) is very small - only seven of us and we are the only ones in the hospital allowed to wear red. We find this color is easily associated with the heart- so family members can pick us out very easily. We call ourselves "the heart team" and our patients and families agree...I believe the days of all white are gone...let's let them rest in peace....
16 Posts
;)I believe that white uniforms look more professional, however, in many circumstances it is difficult to keep looking clean and sharp. Colored are nice especiallly when working with children, as they associate white with pain many times. When wearing colored uniforms a name badge must always be worn so the patients know who is who, and can differenciate between the staff.
I am from the "old school" where white was the only choice, and I can remember polishing my shoes every night. (Sound familiar to anyone?)
I do however, wonder about the choices of footwear some of the nurses are wearing now. Open heels, etc. just don't seem correct in a nursing setting. I would like to know others opinion on foorwear. Thanks!
34 Posts
I chose all colors including white - I get very washed out in white or pale colors. I've had people come up to me and suggest that I get a physical 'cuz I get so pale, especially in the winter. The hospital I used to work at had different colors for each floor. We were Med-Surg. and had to wear teal and white. I loved that combo. I then transfered to PACU, and wore the OR scrubs - which were royal blue.
122 Posts
I work in a LTC facility and most of the residents love to see what the staff are wearing each day. We wear bright colors and scrubs with anything from flags to puppies to tropical prints. It brightens up their day and brings a smile to their face.
Sorry guys, my post somehow got repeated a few times.. OOPS!!!
I believe that all nurses are angels sent from God. God Bless Everyone of YOU, the work you do is so wonderful.. The last time I had surgery the nurses were just the best ever!!! Keep up the great work all of you are doing..