Which online chemistry is best

Nursing Students SRNA


Has anyone taken an on line chemistry class from either

Oregon State University, Weber State University or University of New England?

Any information, positive or negative would be great.


Dear Putmetosleep, I am new to using this site - I tried to send a message or add you to my contacts from your profile - although Im not quite sure what Im really doing - I wanted to ask you about the UNE chemistry class - but I dont know how to send you a message! Hopefully you get this. Sorry for being a pest, but I wanted to know about the final exam...thanx!


The final exam is not too bad. It's open book/ open notes and you are allowed 4 hours to complete the exam. It took me the whole 4 hours b/c I had to look up every answer;) I got a B in the class.

Let me know if you have other questions.

I'm doing my chems (all my science) online at www.ocean.edu

They are expensive, however, I really really like the home labs. The lab kit is about $200 plus tuition/internet fee ($600 per 4 credit course) and text (+/- $100). For biology courses you need a microscope ($200)

You order from labpaq and do the lab/take pics at home. It is a lot of work, and I won't lie- there are times I wish I had an instructor to ask questions while doing the lab, however, if you want a hands-on online chem, this is a great class. The biologies all include multiple dissections in addition to the histology work. Chem experiments have been great. The home kits are extensive!

Breakdown- 12 labs, 1 lab exam, 4 unit exams based on the text - all open book. I have the same instructor for Intro, Gen Chem 1 and Gen Chem 2. The biology courses have been all over the map.

Ocean offers almost all the lab sciences online. I'm about half way finished: intro bio, gen bio 1, gen bio 2, intro chem, gen chem 1, gen chem 2, ap 1, ap 2, micro, physics 1 and physics 2. The only thing I will have to find somewhere else is the organic chem series. If necessary, they also offer stats and algebra online too.

I just took the final exam for Online Chem II through University of New England. This option was a god-send for me b/c I had to find a chemistry class that I could start in December and finish by the end of March. My nursing program required all prereqs be completed by end of March for program start in beginning of May.

This class was the only option that I could find to be completed in this timeline. So, there really wasn't any "shopping around". You can start the day you sign up for the class and they recommend you finish in 16 weeks, but you can do it in less time, or request an extension for more time.

Here are some important notes about the class:

1)expensive. I think it was just under $1300 for the tuition. The LabPaq (for the lab you do in your kitchen) is about $175.

2)Professor is very quick to respond to questions/calls.

3)Class is doable in 16 weeks. I completed it in almost exactly 16 weeks while staying home with my young kids full-time during the day and working 24 hrs/week as CNA at night. I didn't really buckle down on this class until mid-February when I found out that I got into nursing school. So I completed 9 chapters in just under 6 weeks.

4)Had some software issues with the class's blackboard that were never resolved. Tech assistant responded fairly timely, but none of the solutions seemed to work. So I just did without the lecture slides w/ sound bytes and used the ppt slides, text, and study guide.

5)Labs are fine, but much more bearable with a partner. Thank goodness for my husband's good natured-ness. There are no written lab reports, just quizzes after each lab.

6) Final is open note, open book, 100 multiple choice questions. Allowed 4 hours, and it took me all 4 hours. It was hard, I'm not gonna lie. But chemistry II has been my hardest nursing prereq by far (AP I&II, micro, developmental pysch I&II), so factor that in also. I had to find an approved proctor to administer the exam.

Final exam is worth 60%, lab quizzes 25%, and module (chapter) quizzes 15%.

If you need Chem (and many other science prereqs for that matter), you can't beat the convenience of the rolling/open admissions to this class. If time is not of the essence, I don't think this is the class I would have picked.

I just took the final exam for Online Chem II through University of New England. This option was a god-send for me b/c I had to find a chemistry class that I could start in December and finish by the end of March. My nursing program required all prereqs be completed by end of March for program start in beginning of May.

This class was the only option that I could find to be completed in this timeline. So, there really wasn't any "shopping around". You can start the day you sign up for the class and they recommend you finish in 16 weeks, but you can do it in less time, or request an extension for more time.

Here are some important notes about the class:

1)expensive. I think it was just under $1300 for the tuition. The LabPaq (for the lab you do in your kitchen) is about $175.

2)Professor is very quick to respond to questions/calls.

3)Class is doable in 16 weeks. I completed it in almost exactly 16 weeks while staying home with my young kids full-time during the day and working 24 hrs/week as CNA at night. I didn't really buckle down on this class until mid-February when I found out that I got into nursing school. So I completed 9 chapters in just under 6 weeks.

4)Had some software issues with the class's blackboard that were never resolved. Tech assistant responded fairly timely, but none of the solutions seemed to work. So I just did without the lecture slides w/ sound bytes and used the ppt slides, text, and study guide.

5)Labs are fine, but much more bearable with a partner. Thank goodness for my husband's good natured-ness. There are no written lab reports, just quizzes after each lab.

6) Final is open note, open book, 100 multiple choice questions. Allowed 4 hours, and it took me all 4 hours. It was hard, I'm not gonna lie. But chemistry II has been my hardest nursing prereq by far (AP I&II, micro, developmental pysch I&II), so factor that in also. I had to find an approved proctor to administer the exam.

Final exam is worth 60%, lab quizzes 25%, and module (chapter) quizzes 15%.

If you need Chem (and many other science prereqs for that matter), you can't beat the convenience of the rolling/open admissions to this class. If time is not of the essence, I don't think this is the class I would have picked.


I'm glad to hear your experiences because I have been looking at New England for Organic Chem! It's good to know they use lab paqs too, I use them now with Ocean, and I thought that the New England labs were "virtual" which I assumed was software/online. I wasn't sure if that's what I wanted- I'm much more interested now knowing that they use the Lab Paq! I *really like the idea of no lab reports :yeah:

I just took the final exam for Online Chem II through University of New England.

I was just perusing their site and am hoping you can answer a question for me.

On the course description page for each of the various courses (like the online bios, chems, etc...) there is a section in the bottom right corner that describes that you can either take a proctored exam via web cam or with an in-person proctor. When I open the syllabus, the syllabus says you have to take a proctored exam but gives only the in-person explanation.

I am wondering if the web cam option is so new it just is not listed on the syllabus yet and was it an available option for you?

(Of course if I do plan on registering I would confirm with the professor but figured I'd ask you since you just took the final exam).

I don't remember web-cam proctoring as an option for me. Fairly certain that in-person was the only way to go in late December.

I don't remember web-cam proctoring as an option for me. Fairly certain that in-person was the only way to go in late December.

OK thanks.

I do think it is new and if/when I register for a class, I will just go ahead and ask so I can plan for the type of proctoring required. I'm thinking of taking Biochem this coming spring (maybe - I will be taking Organic 2, God Willing, in person at the same time) Thanks.

I'd love to hear how your classes at UNE went, were they do-able? How was the online test proctoring, looked cool!


Hi all,

I'm really struggling in my online chem class and am looking for another non-major online chem II class. For those who did Weber State U online chem, especially the higher level courses, can you share any more info about the course? Thanks! Their website doesn't offer much info.

Can someone that have already completed these online chem classes tell how is it listed on your transcript. If it states it's an online chem class or what. Thanks....

Can someone that have already completed these online chem classes tell how is it listed on your transcript. If it states it's an online chem class or what. Thanks....

No it's not listed any differently at Ocean. You can (and should) call the registrar's office of the school you are considering and ask- they'll tell you.

I am currently enrolled in the UNE Chem 2 class. I am finding it to be difficult and I am worried about the final exam. Can I ask you how you prepared for the final? Should I study the quizes or questions at the end of the chapter? I am sure that I am going to have to look up every question...I just hope I can find the answers...the quizes are difficult and they take me forever! Any insight that you have would be greatly appreciated. Tks

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