Published Nov 30, 2014
afineskylark, BSN, RN
12 Posts
I am currently interested in becoming a RN, and I am having a hard time deciding between schools. I really wanted some feedback and advice from students in the Accelerated BSN programs at SUNY Downstate, Binghamton, and Stony Brook.
I know they are all competitive programs and I'm not sure if I have the background to get into them. I graduated in 2014 with a BA in history and anthropology. My GPA was 3.93. I currently do not have the prerequisites (I have a plan for that). I do not have experience in hospitals or anything; all of my recent jobs have been in the education/tutoring field or research. I did however study osteology and I completed my own independent research project on a collection of human pelvic bones and I presented on the material at two conferences in addition to taking some biological anthropology classes.
Do these programs require experience in the healthcare field prior to entering? Also, what do people think of the programs? I really am interested in working in a hospital, possibly in an ER or somewhere fast-paced. If anyone has any insight on the schools, advice, or thoughts on my likelihood to be accepted or declined, it would be greatly appreciated.
184 Posts
You may want to consider posting this in the NY Nursing forum if you don't get a response here.
3,445 Posts
The best? Pfft, that's easy ... Stony Brook. Then again, I'm biased ? ... don't need prior health care experience, I didn't have it. Your essay and recommendations weigh heavily on their decision to accept you, not everyone accepted has a high GPA. Ace your prereqs tho, that would be a plus. They conduct admissions interviews now, that's relatively new so can't help you there. But I can tell you that Stony Brook-educated nurses are highly regarded in the workforce.