Where do you work in the summer?

Specialties Travel


I am on my first travel assignment and I am planning ahead for this summer. I heard that the travel industry slows down in the summer so I am curious to know what travelers do in the months of June/July/August. What are some of the hotspots around the country during the summer months? Please keep posts professional and on topic!

I've never heard that before - I suppose there could be some truth in it. What is true is that snowbird regions are slower in the summertime. Northern locations get that population so more travel positions become available in the summer. New England for example. Hot locations still need some travelers in the summer, and they tend to pay more because travelers are no different from the rest of the country, they like to work in seasonally favorable places. California needs nurses year round, no season there except for ski resorts.

The worst time to look for travel assignments is usually December. Folks just don't want to do business that month. Also, even hospitals with a critical need for travelers may stop hiring at the end of their fiscal year, no money left in the budget. That can happen at any time of the year, just depends on their fiscal year.

I wouldn't worry about some rule of thumb like that. I've worked in Florida in the summer, and New England in the winter.

what ned said.

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