Published Sep 10, 2014
6 Posts
Hi all!
Curious - where do you keep your gait belts while working? It's uncomfortable to wear and creates an enormous bulge in my pocket. Any ideas? Gait belt holster??!! (HA)
Thanks so much!
17 Posts
Do you mean it's uncomfortable to wear around your waist? I've seen people wear their gait belts like a sash over one shoulder. That might be more comfortable. I know I couldn't carry one on my pocket! Got enough things in there! I always just wear mine around my waist. I feel naked without it. Holsters would be nice. Don't know if they make them, though.
Is that a gait belt in your pocket, or you just happy to see me? Sorry, I had to throw that one in there
843 Posts
I hated that lumpy old gait belt and never did solve the problem as a student.
What I've found in my real world job in LTC is that patients who transfer with a gait belt have one in their rooms in/on nightstand, bedside table or cabinet. There are a couple extras at the nurses' station as well.
Other things I wish someone had told me as a student:
It's great to have a leg pocket for your stethoscope. They are too big to fit in a tops pocket and wearing one around your neck is impractical and hard on the latex.
Carabiner pens are awesome.
Make your own patient info cheat sheet for clinicals. (I learned this from a PCT during my second week of clinicals at a hospital. It really helps with the tsunami of confusing information. Continence, bed mobility, transfer, ambulation, diet are a few basics. Maybe you won't be like this but I had a HUGE challenge keeping all that info and more straight for 24 new people.