Where Do You Plan On Going?


Hello Everyone,

After much pondering on whether to go for LPN or RN. I decided that I want to go for RN. I have to retake some science classes ,but that's ok I will have to reach for at least a B+ or higher this time around I think that I can do it. I would like to continue towards a BSN. After I finish taking my pre-requites I would like to apply to CCSU, Southern, UCONN and Saint joseph. I would like to know if anyone out there plans on applying to any of the above mentioned nursing programs. If you applied and were accepted how do you like that particular program? I would like to thank you for reading a my post. I look forward to hearing from you.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

I graduated from USJ this spring.. any questions I can answer for you I'd be happy to.

Hello jordinriess,

How are you doing? I would like to congratulate you on graduating from USJ. If you do not mind I would like to ask you a few questions about their nursing program. Was getting into the nursing program hard? What was your GPA?. Did you like the program? I know that USJ is a very expensive college Do you think that it is worth the money? How was the clinicals? What is the semester that you started your clinicals Did you start the nursing program out of high school or did you transfer from another college. what are some of the courses that you had to take to get into USJ nursing program? Have you decided on what kind of nurse you want to be? I am planning on going to CCSU in the fall because of the cost with going to USJ How did you pay for the college? Would you recommend going USJ. I live in Hartford which is about twenty minutes from USJ which travel wise would be very good for me to attend. I hope that I am not being too nosy, but I just wanted to get a feel on what it would be like going to USJ. I am sorry that my post is so long. And I would like to thank you in advance for responding to my post.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

USJ has an amazing nursing program. I went right out of high school. I maintained an average GPA of at least 3.5 in all of my classes. I don't remember the exact requirements for GPA to get into the program but it focused on the sciences. USJ has core value classes you have to take to graduate on top of the required sciences for nursing. I had to take biology, chemistry, biochem, A&P I and II. Not sure if those requirements have changed. The big advantage for me was the small class sizes. I think the most people in a class I've taken there was 50 and that is more the exception than the rule. They offer some classes online as well which are convenient (I took my nutrition for nursing online). I had a lot of grants and scholarships to help me pay. I also have two government loans and paid out of pocket each semester the remainder of tuition, as well as books. I commuted as well, I live in Manchester. I worked part and full time during my entire college career. It is possible to do. They offer work study as well. It's an awesome community at USJ. In nursing they really care about you and you're able to form relationships with the instructors. I loved my clinicals, I got hired at my senior capstone site and started yesterday. It's an intense program, and it isn't easy. None are, obviously. Any other questions I didn't address or you need more info on let me know.

Specializes in Emergency Medicine.

Also I got accepted into the nursing program during the first semester of my sophomore year and started clinicals the next semester.

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