Where can I actually help people??

Nurses Relations


In your opinion, is there an area of nursing where you actually help people? I mean, I know you can help people in any area, but I feel like most nursing jobs you help maybe 30% of the patients and the rest are noncompliant, drug seeking, crazy. . .and yes, I know these people need help too but I don't feel like I can do anything in the hospital.

I'm so tired and burnt out.

I lost my temper with a patient earlier this week - an A&O pt who was being a complete jerk, verbally abusive, manipulative. And I am so mad that I allowed this patient to get under my skin (although in my defense, this patient also made the nursing supervisor, two case managers and a patient advocate very angry too lol)

I feel like I work my ass off, but nothing changes, the same patients come in over and over with the same problems (SOB, acute back pain, chest pain, CHF exacerbation, AMS) Education goes in one ear and out the other. The patients don't take their meds, don't see their doctors, then come in and demand IV pain meds, benzos, cheeseburgers and coffee NOW and what do you mean I can't go smoke a cigarette and NO I don't want SCDs on or IV fluids and STOP DRAWING MY BLOOD and I want a private room NOW. We get old, very sick demented patients from nursing homes who honestly should be DNRs but instead we stick them and poke them and tie them down and fill them with ABX and eventually put in pegs and do random tests and surgeries and they linger and languish and eventually die.

I love the days I feel like I make a difference - they are so far and few between. I wish there was more of them.

Thanks for letting me rant. And I am serious about wanting opinions about areas of nursing where I could actually make a difference.

A little bit of unselfish kindness and compassion can go a long way! I have come across some very grateful pt's and families. SO many nurses these days get caught up in the tasks and become overwhelmed and forget the patient doesn't know you're having a bad, or busy day. All your patient know's is they are going through a difficult time and a friendly nurse who shows sincere interest, makes a BIG difference in the tone of their day. Compassion in nursing these days DOES get noticed!

Oh! One other thing then I will hush it, I promise. LOL... DOCUMENT BEHAVIORS, document and document some more. If their behavior is that bad and you truly are being abused by your patients daily, Make sure word for word. action by innappropriate action. Document their behavior. If Social Services and Admin. is worth a grain of salt at your workplace. They will take action. It may be a little time consuming, but be proactive, take an extra couple of minutes to chart. It has workrd for me. Good luck wherever you may end up. Sounds like it's time to explaore other avenues of nursing. Find a good fit for you. It's worth it.

OoooOoo compassion fatigue. I like that.. *puts that little saying under my nurses hat (that I have never worn) and tucks it away for a later date.

Maybe you should try pediatric nursing so that you can help kids.

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