Published Apr 7, 2008
6 Posts
Like I've mentioned before...I decided to change my college major and pursue nursing. Only problem is , I don't know where to begin. I was told that you must complete a CNA class (which is 6-12 weeks) BEFORE you can even apply to nursing school. Is this true? I guess my main question here is what are the steps to becoming a nurse?
MikeyJ, RN
1,124 Posts
You need to really contact the pre-nursing advisor at the program you are interested in. Some schools require a CNA course prior to entering the nursing program, and many do not (mine did not require it). Most nursing schools require the same pre-req's (microbiology, chemistry, anatomy & physiology, college algebra).
You also need to find out if your program admits students on a "rolling" basis, or lottery, or application cycle.
As you can see, it is a must that you meet with the pre-nursing advisor at your school because no one here can give you accurate advice because we are not familiar with your specific school. :)
Tweety, BSN, RN
35,811 Posts
Different schools require different things. I didn't have to be a CNA prior to starting school. Best to contact the school(s) directly.