Where did my antibodies go?

Nursing Students Pre-Nursing


Hello All,

I am new to this site and will be starting the LVN

nursing program in May of this year.

I have had so many injections that I feel like I glow in the dark!

I am trying to understand how my titers for MMR and

Varicella came back negative when I had a raging case

of chicken pox and I also had mumps as a child.

How could the titers be negative?

So far, I have had HepB #1, HepB #2, Tetorifice,

TB test, MMR, and Varicella injections. I still have HepB #3

and the follow up MMR and Varicella to look forward to.

Any explanations as to where my antibodies went? Please?


I never developed varicella antibodies after having the pox twice. Who knows?

I had to be vaccinated three times against Rubella (German measles) before I devleoped antibodies.

Specializes in LTC?Skilled and dialysis.

I went thru my three step hep series, had an unfortunate needle stick. When ED took blood to test I had zero antibodies. No one can give me a definate answer why. Will I be forever unprotected or will it work if I do round two?

I know!! Where DO those little buggers go?? I had the HepB series of three and no antibodies developed so they had to give me a 4th injection. Polio? Yeahh, I had all those shots as a child (no little sugar cubes for me). Zero antibodies left-- he had to give me another shot. I guess it's just one more thing with getting old!

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