What's your story? Why did you take up nursing?

Nurses General Nursing Nursing Q/A

Every nurse has their own story to tell about how or why they chose to enter the nursing profession. Some may have been inspired by a personal experience with healthcare, while others may have been drawn to the idea of caring for others. Some may have stumbled upon nursing by chance, while others knew from a young age that it was their calling. Whatever the reason, each nurse has a unique narrative that led them to become a caregiver. These stories are a testament to the diversity and passion within the nursing community and the profound impact that healthcare can have on our lives.

Please be as detailed or as short as you wish. It'll be interesting to hear everyone's stories.

Specializes in Alzheimer's Disease, Geriatrics.
I want to be a nurse not for the fame, fortune or women... OOONO... I wanted to be a nurse because I felt I could help people... ever since I was younger, I always felt this need to help others and I don't know where it comes from within me but I have this feeling that I'll be happy doing this sort of career. i was always into the medical field from watching all these shows on t.v. but besides the point, right now I'm in college... I already took a nursing coorifice because I got accepted into a nursing program... the thing is that I failed the 1st coorifice and now I got kicked-out of the program:o ... I really don't know what to do since this failure in nursing is going to show on my college transcript and the other colleges will look at it and not accept me even if I shaped up my grades... should I pursue with my nursing career? I plan to take the LPN program in March for the meantime but till then somebody, PLEASE HELP!!!:uhoh21:

There is nothing wrong with taking the LPN program first. Sometimes it is the best way to go. You can always work your way up...

I originally wanted to be an accountant when I started college after H.S. I worked part time at a sears call center for delivery while pursuing accounting and realized I didn't want to be stuck at a desk all day helping people get rich or low ball customers so I quite going to school and starting working full time in a different dept for a bit. Took about 6 months to goof off and figure out I really needed to get back into school when I started hunting around for another part time job.

My best friend at the time worked as a PCT at a hospital near by in ICU and got me a job there PRN. It didn't take much longer for me to realize I JUST HAD TO BE A NURSE! I had never felt so good about myself and what I did at any job I had ever had before working as a PCT. It also made feel like I actually made a difference and what I did is important there and would be missed if I called in sick. I was excited to go to work because no day was the same and I never knew how things were going to go. Nursing was appealing because it would keep me in that same position and make me enough money to support myself as beind independent is also very important to me and to have independence in my work as well.

So I just graduated from an ADN program in December, start my nurse orientation at the same hospital I've been working at as a tech for the lst 3 years next week and take my boards Jan 22nd. Wish me luck!

Specializes in Alzheimer's Disease, Geriatrics.

Good Luck, I know that I will need it in Aug when i take mine...

Specializes in Case Managemnt, Utilization Review.

I was sent to school to be a nurse because my dad said, "if you make a bad choice and marry a loser, at least you can support yourself." At the time, I did not think that was incredible wisdom. But our elders are wiser than we want to admit sometimes. I haven't always loved my jobs, but I am always a good nurse and proud of it. We Nurses, make a difference in the lives we touch, every day.

In my gradeschool and highschool years.. I'm in a theatre group.. I love to act on stage, sing and dance with my fellow students.. so I decided to go for a performing arts in college but my parents disagreed.. they want me to choose either nurse, dentistry, physical therapist.. anyone of those.. then i choose nursing career.. Knowing that they know what's best for me.. it will make them happy.. and most specially, I can help other people too. Now I'm a nursing graduate and continue loving my chosen career

My grandmother's wish was to be a nurse..She passed it on to my mom and my mom passed it on to me. I really didn’t like to become a nurse but when I saw my grandmother not being treated as she was supposed to be. I told my self when I grow up I want to be a nurse so that I can take care of my parents.:saint:

Specializes in Peds, Psych.

I got my first degree in Psychology and ended working at a psych hospital as a mental health worker/patient care provider/mental health tech, whatever you want to call it.

I really enjoyed what I did, but wanted more. I really enjoy people, especially the ones in psych :). My fiance(boyfriend at the time) told me I should look into nursing. I was a little scared, I knew many girls in college that went that route and all their classes seemed way to tough for me. I talked with some of the nurses I worked with and did some research. I finally applied, all over mind you, and started to take the pre-reqs. I finally got in, and then finally graduated (August 06)!

Now I am in the new nurse phase. I am in a new area, peds, and I am sort of missing psych. I am a nervous wreck most days just b/c i don't want to make a mistake. I know that I am going to be the slowest nurse on the planet.. :) I am hoping my comfort level increases as I begin on my own (2 weeks).

I hope you enjoyed reading.. :)

I am not yet a nurse, but I am finishing my prereqs so I can enter nursing school. I have always been a caretaker. I took care of my mom when she found out my father was cheating on her; I took care of my sister and moved in with her after she tried to commit suicide. After volunteering at an AIDS Hospice, the idea of nursing was really cemented in my mind. Caring for people who are sometimes otherwise shunned is why I'm here. I will hopefully be entering the AE MSN program in June (tomorrow is my interview)!

PS This is a great thread. Reading all of these stories has made me feel great about entering this profession.

When I was a little girl, I would visit my great-grandparents in the "nursing home." It was such a scary and depressing place to me. The residents would all be lined up in the hallways in their wheel chairs and as we walked past them, they would be reaching out for me. My Gram would always explain that they were lonely and didn't get to see little kids much and while I was trying to hide behind her she would make me say hello and take their hands for a moment.

It always made me sad when I went there...because I thought the people deserved so much more and they were so lonely. I remember laying in bed at night (I had to be 5-6 yrs old) always thinking "when I grow up I am going to own a nursing home so I can take care of all the "old people.""

Well, I wised up a bit as I grew older and realized I would never actually want to own one. Nursing was the only logical choice.

Specializes in geriatrics, pediatrics.

I've always been interested in how the body works, but most of all I love people and helping them in any way I can. I hated school when I was growing up and pretty much decided that 4 yrs of college was out of the question so I joined the Navy. After a career ending injury I found a vocational school to become an LPN.

Hello, I am new to the forum, I worked for 12 years as a Certified Activity Director in LTC. I loved my job but felt I was capable of so much more to offer. I would sit in Care Plan meetings and say to myself "why am I still here doing this when I really want to be doing the nursing part." So I spoke with husband, considered my children ages 2 and 4 at the time. And decided to go part time, then one month before graduating I was diagnosed with MS....UPSET but determined, I graduated but missed the ceremony because I was in the hospital. I am lucky to only have optic nerve damage. I have no symptoms that would prevent me from being a nurse.......So I decided to keep going, I have had some trouble finding an LPN job.there is little demand where I live...however I was hired aa a LPN at the same assisted living that I worked as Activity Director. I am already considering RN School.

I decided to be a Nurse after working dead end Customer Service jobs, and not really having any direction in life. I am 29 years old and I have been going to school and working full time since I graduated high school. I've only been able to attend school off and on so it's had taken me forever to just finish a few classes. I stated school majoring in Business, but had no clue what I wanted to do with it. I a really nervous though because I am totally changing my major and doing something new. I get a great deal of encouragement from others like me who may not have grown up wanting to be a nurse. I'm a late bloomer. I have always had a soft heart and I really enjoy doing for others. Currently I work full time in a call center..which I hate! I know I can be doing so such more and giving back to others and my community. I am taking some prereq courses so that I can apply for the ADN program at the local community college. The income and job security is really good. I know that the personal reward will be far more than the money...and I can't wait to be a Nurse.

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