Whats your feeling?

Nurses General Nursing


What are your feelings towards perinatal substance abuse?. Share your experiences, backgrounds, comfort in working with this problem in nursing.

First of all Brownie, I didn't say you were personally a liberal, I said your words were spoken like a true liberal.

This is a very difficult situation to discuss and points can be made for both sides, but look at some of the evidence. You say we need to educate these women and men, I agree.

I don't know where you are from, but here prenatal care is FREE. Transportation to and from the clinic is free and yet we continue to see a majority of patients with no prenatal care. I hear remarks like, "nothing was wrong with my other babies, so I thought I didn't need care" They don't have means to support the baby, other than welfare. I just spent 16 hours a day on Saturday and Sunday trying to keep a infant with hypertrophic right heart alive until we could get them medevaced to the States. The nurses at the hospital raised thousands of dollars to pay for the cost of the trip, but with no insurance, no hospital would take the infant. I had to sit and watch, only being able to hope that I was maybe comforting this infant for it's short life, this baby die.

Most of the people here you talk to, want start birth control because they say the Church does not support birth control, so where is the Church in the education/suport process. When you bring up the Church doesn't support unmarried sex, they usually get mad and leave.

I don't know what they answer is, nor do I think it will be solved anytime soon, but I do know that as long as people continue to have casual, unprotected sex and trade sexe for drugs and money the cycle will continue.

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