Published May 11, 2011
104 Posts
Hey Everyone,
I'm considering getting my RN-BSN online, but have never taken an online course. Can someone please tell me their experience with distance learning. How convenient is it really? Do you find it irritating in any way? Some programs require you to go on campus... what would you be doing? I've heard you have to attend clinical... this has be a little confussed. If I'm already an RN why would I need additional clinical hours? I know all programs are different, but I'm just looking for a general idea so I can more or less know what I'm getting into.
521 Posts
can someone please tell me their experience with distance learning. if i had to go on campus i would probably never ever ever finish. i love distance learning. some schools are better than others at it and some teachers are better than others at it. so ymmv(your mileage may vary)
how convenient is it really? do you find it irritating in any way? super convenient for me. i study during nap times and after baby is asleep. i study in the car ( i have a wifi device and a data card). i do homework during bubblebaths... and during travel related to military life.
some programs require you to go on campus... what would you be doing? clinicals, labs, ummm group projects (those erk me), tests, and any other tedious time consuming what not a teacher can dream up.
i've heard you have to attend clinical... this has be a little confused. if i'm already an rn why would i need additional clinical hours? some programs require clinicals because they can. there is no mandate that says they can or can't or need or don't need clinicals for the bsn. if you don't want clinicals than choose a program that doesn't have them...
online programs while convenient can require more work. if you are a poor essay writer ensure your program isn't essay heavy or you will always barely scrape by if you aren't giving 110% of your time to the program. if you aren't dedicated and self-motivated you probably won't do well in online courses. if you need your hand held to understand and get things and can't learn independently or seek your own answers you may struggle. it all depends. try one class somewhere and see if it works for you?? just an idea. feel free to ask any other questions we are a very supportive helping group!!!
Thanks MsPC for the info!!!