What could be wrong?? (hives)


I am concerned about my husbands mom who is experiencing hives, usually in the morning. They are usually on her arms and she said this morning her lips were very swollen. I am hoping it isn't Lupus or something like that. :( She is also tired all the time but she claims it is because the dr. put her on pretnazone (sp????)

Thanks in advance !!!

It could be stress. When I was in junior high I was so "freaked out" trying to be popular my entire body was engorged in hived every night at bedtime when I picked out my outfit for the next day. My mother would get so upset. By morning they would be cleared up.

She should definitely see a doctor for her condition...but if she is stressed over something it could very well be the cause.


do you mean prednisolone?....if so that is a steroid drug and doesnt make you tired.it sounds as tho she has an allergy but has she had bloods done? she should get checked out again.

One thing that dawned on me is it might be she is allergic to some dogs who she has been dog sitting for a couple of months. Both are high shedders (min pin and a chihuahua) I don't think she has had any bloodwork done , but I know everytime I call her she is sleeping, and it can be in themiddle of the day !

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I am especially concerned about the "lips are swollen" part. This could be anaphylaxis, which is the most severe medical emergency there is. Her airway could be in danger. Need to get her to a reputable internist or allergist ASAP!

forgot to add in my post that my 5 yr old neice had same symptoms without tiredness tho and found she was allergic to something but dont know what, her nose also swelled up. The doc put her in iv antibiotics just to be on the safe side as she was ? some sort of infection. she is fine now. Do get your moms bloods done tho. it will tell alot

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