What things are permissable to infuse per UAC's?


I just wanted to know what your institution allowed per UAC'S as far as fluids and medications per UAC"s I would appreciate all the responses I could get Thank you!

Specializes in Maternal - Child Health.

Heparinized saline only.

Specializes in ER, NICU, NSY and some other stuff.

Most places that I have worked only heparinized NS. With the exception of an infant with absolutely no other access On rare occasion we have infused all fluids. Example being the micro-micro that the only thing they could get was a uac.

Specializes in NICU, PICU, educator.

With a written order we can infuse just about everything but vasopressors thru our UAC...sometimes that is the only access we have.

Any maintenance IVF except lipids--PA(hyperal),dex/water,ns.

No pressors, bicarb, prostaglandins or blood products.

Most places that I have worked only heparinized NS. With the exception of an infant with absolutely no other access On rare occasion we have infused all fluids. Example being the micro-micro that the only thing they could get was a uac.

Thank you for the response, I appreciate it very much. I am working with some folks who act like it has never happened that any thing but heparinized saline is given in the uac. Amandamarie

Specializes in NICU.

Of course we try to avoid using the UAC for anything but saline, but if the kid is sick we've given all kinds of stuff though there. Any medications but Indocin and pressors. If we have a bunch of stuff to give at once, we'll use the UAC for blood products before we'd turn to it for medications.

I just wanted to know what your institution allowed per UAC'S as far as fluids and medications per UAC"s I would appreciate all the responses I could get Thank you!

We use everything except vasopressors and bicarb.and we even use it for blood products if there is no other access.

Heparinized saline only.

We use 1/2NS - and never any heparine - at 1cc/hour unless it's a wee bitty micro and then sometimes 1/2cc/hour. Now any of our UV lines always have heparine, but never the UA.


We use 1/2NS - and never any heparine - at 1cc/hour unless it's a wee bitty micro and then sometimes 1/2cc/hour. Now any of our UV lines always have heparine, but never the UA.


Do you know what your unit's rationale is for heparinizing fluids in your UVC but not your UAC? We've used hep in both as well as any peripheral art line. There's a noticable decrease in circulation problems since we started doing this 10 years or so ago.

Just wondering.


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