I am a nursing student who will be done with school in May. I have always been interested in ED nursing. I had a chance to do some shadowing during my summer internship and really liked it. However, I have not had any experience working in ED. Our clinicals have mainly been on med/surg floors. I was scheduled to precept on a cardiac ICU unit, but yesterday was informed of a new opening for a preceptorship in a ED. I took it, just because I really want to know if I love it or hate it. I was wondering if you could tell me what you think are qualities most ED nurses have, and whether it is possible for a new grad to succeed in this environment. I spent the summer interning on a med/surg floor. I went into nursing wanting to go into OB (like many others did) and find myself gravitating more towards the other specialty areas (ICU, ED etc). I am a 2nd career nurse (33 yr old) and feel I handle stress fairly well. However, I'm new and naive! How do you feel about new grads and what types of personalities do the best in the ED?