What are some structural abnormalities of the brain?


I'm going to report in class and the teacher told me to report about structural abnormalities of the brain. Can you please give me what are these abnormalities? I only know AVM, brain tumor. I wonder what are the others. Thank you.

Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.
Lord yes, not to mention how outdated the material was....now we can access the latest research with the click of a mouse!!! It's really amazing how far we have come....jeez, if things were like that then...I'd have my PhD by now!!!!:lol2:

(I'm real modest as you can see);)


Specializes in Certified Med/Surg tele, and other stuff.
It is amazing what you can find now with just you and a keyboard or even (gasp!) a phone!!

In a way I miss the library treks, though. A few summers I worked as a "go-fer" for a group of gero-psych researchers (as an assistant to the assistant :)) she'd hand me a list of really weird articles to track down - if I found it I felt like eureka!! There was a thrill-of-the-hunt aspect to it, and I actually liked climbing up rickety metal stacks where one foot on the wrong ladder rung could send you plummeting to your death or at least land on the table that a group of medical students is sitting at. Basements of libraries are fun, too. Sometimes they stash the cards still in their wooden drawers in library basements looking forlorn.

I would not want to give up the instant access to info, but still . . .I've always loved the ambience of libraries.

I love libraries. If I could do it again and had to choose a non nursing field, I would have gone for library science. Sadly, I think they might be the thing of the past.

Anyway, these NS have it so easy. It boggles my mind they come here and ask questions for something they can find literally in seconds.

Specializes in Oncology, Psych, Corrections.

I'm sorry. No skirting around assignments or nursing school in general. It isn't easy but there is a wealth of information if you take the time (your own time) and research it. That is why its called research afterall. Looks like the OP (judging from past posts) is looking for an easy ride.

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