What are some similar majors to nursing


What are some majors that are similar to nursing? I am considering the idea of a double major but I have no idea which majors have similar prerequisites. I have completed all my prerequisites for nursing and currently trying to apply to nursing schools/programs. But due to my financial situation I need to be back in school this fall 2015 semester and I have no idea what to take so I'm fishing for ideas. I was advised to take something that I need or a course that is close to my major rather than something I simply enjoy mainly because the other major would take much longer to complete.

Dietician, Respiratory Therapist, Ultrasound Tech, Radiology Tech

Thank you so much

You're welcome. :)

At my school, PEAK (Physical Education and Kinesiology) majors take a LOT of the same courses at nursing majors, especially PEAK majors with a concentration in exercise science (as opposed to a concentration in physical education).

Anatomy, physiology, chemistry, nutrition, pathophysiology....

At my school we have exercise health, nutrition, and rehabilitation

Thank you for the information

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