Published May 22, 2017
thecrossfitrn, BSN, RN
39 Posts
A little over a year ago I left my Team Leader position and moved back to my home state to take a floor RN position on a small post-op unit. The job was really oversold to me, and I regret taking it, so I'm looking for a new position. Here's the kicker: I'm very pregnant and due soon. My goal is to use my maternity leave to job hunt and then possibly not have to go back to my previous position once my leave is over. Yes, stressful, but necessary at this point for my mental health.
As I've been casually looking at openings I've started to wonder what shift would be the best for a new parent. I currently work nights (3-12's) and my last job was days. Is it easier to handle the juggling act of work and a new baby working days rather than nights? What about Mon-Fri shifts (8 hrs)? My husband works from home and will be the stay-at-home-dad, so I don't need to take his schedule into account, more his sanity though.
Any advice from those that have gone through this? What worked for you?
570 Posts
There are advantages both ways. Eight hours leave you with more energy after a shift but you are at work 5 days a week. When you work night shift you can't plan on taking care of a baby the next day. I would consult your husband in this decision. How many hours a day does he work? Is his work organized in such a way that multiple interruptions to care for a baby will be ok?
Been there,done that, ASN, RN
7,241 Posts
What hours will your husband be available for, and willing to provide childcare? Bear in mind, working nights means, you need childcare for your working hours, and your sleeping hours.
Seems like you have many great options, that only you and your husband can arrange.