What to read before clinicals start?


Hi everyone,

I will begin clinicals in the fall. Is there anything anyone can recommend that I read over the summer? I just saw a good fluids and electrolytes book but I'm not sure what would help prepare me the most.

Thanks very much,


Specializes in Emergency Room.

Fluids & Electrolytes is a tough subject that will be covered 2nd semester of first year. I only know of a handful of students that passed this test in NSG 155(test 2 so you know). It would really benefit you to read a book about it. I bought Fluids & Electrolytes Made Incredibly Easy and it helped me pass. If you don't have a chem background this book or one like it is essential so that you are comfortable with the subject matter.

Lab & diagnostic tests by Kee is a required book for 2nd semester first year. I wouldn't say you had to read the book, but it would give you a leg up if you knew the normal lab values of the basic test. ex Sodium's normal is 135-145, Potassium is 3.5 -5. They will cover all of this in school so I wouldn't focus on this, but if you wanted some extra reading this is relevant.

What I really recommend is buying an NCLEX study guide like Saunders or Kaplan. While you have quite a while before you take your state test, it is helpful to become comfortable with the way these questions are asked. All nursing tests are done in this format. Even if you get the questions wrong, it helps to read the rationales -- why they chose that as the best answer. This is the "critical thinking" they are always talking about in nursing school. If you learn to do this, you will do well in nursing school.

Good luck to you. Read a few books not related to nursing too. You won't have a lot of time for that once school starts and you'll miss that.

I would tell you to read.....your bills. Read all your financial obligations and your house payment note. Look over your car payment schedule. Check the interest on all your school loans.

All this reading will give you the greatest motivativation to work hard and not slack off in nursing school. It will keep you at the kitchen table every night, wide awake, learning those chapters.

Buy a pathophys book and go to town.

Learn about Diabetes and treatment.

Get an Assessment skills book, and learn them.

get a book on electrolytes, acid base balances, etc. it really helps. Also MEMORIZE your electrolytes, what they do, etc. Get a book on care plans, you will experience that 2nd term, and some in first term, but not so in depth as 2nd. Hmmmm, anything else? Go over your bills like the other person said and PUSH PUSH PUSH yourself to not fail or drop out. NS is a gift. Don't give it up for anything. Don't think it's impossible. You just have to want it bad enough. Take this extra time to get a head start.

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