What does a public health nurse wear?


Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

I'm starting as a county WIC nurse next week. I'm so excited about breaking into this field. I'll be holding babies, sticking for hgb, weighing, measuring, referring and teaching. What do most of you guys out in the field where? I eiher have to give new life to my scrubs or get to sopping for street clothes.

Specializes in med/surg, psych, public health.

congratulations!!! welcome to public health!

you will be doing bll's and epsdt's & full physicals as well. you'll also be educating, weighing, measuring & sticking adult moms, (pregnant & postpartum).

at our facility the rn's wear navy blue scrub pants & white tops with white lab jackets. your facility may differ...it's best to ask your ns.

p.s. lab jackets & badges are not to be worn when out in the field doing dot's, due to providing patient privacy.

(you may be called on occasionly to do dot's as a county nurse.)

Hi Wonderbee,

I am a new grad and trying to get into public health nursing. Is working at WIC as nurse your first nursing job? I would love to know how you got a job with the county and found out about the job opening.

Most of the jobs that I am finding in the Los Angeles area you need experience.

Any helpful advice would be greatly appreciated.

Thanks in advance!

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

They are looking for experienced nurses so get some clinical experience. As far as WIC, the program is federally funded and promotes healthy nutrition for pregnant, breastfeeding moms and children under 5 who fall within the criteria. My job as a nurse is to check anthropometrics and hemoglobins and do a quick screen for problems that might benefit from referral to other agencies. I serve several different areas within my territory. The nature of my work makes me itinerant... I have no one physical office to call base.

Since you are interested in PH, I hope that very short overview of my work gives you some info. Good luck!

Specializes in critical care; community health; psych.

Keepitreal, I apologize. I realize I didn't answer your questions. I've got 5 years in with varied experience. I answered a generic online application from the county website for a public health nurse. As part of the process, I had to send for my official transcript and was placed on an eligibility list with a ranking. Months later, I was notified of an interview and I attended. It took months to be notified that I had the job and there was a second interview in between. In all, the process took about 9 months from application to hire.

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