I'm fairly new here and I'm not sure whether or not there was already a post like this but... I'm curious as to what the pre-reqs and other requirements are/were for everyone's program.
Here are mine:
ENG 121 (Composition)
Math (Any level III Math course)
CHEM 120 (FUndamentals of Organic and Biochemistry)
PSY 101 (Gen. Psychology)
PSY 253 (Lifespan Human Growth and Development)
ANTH 135 (Intro. to Cultural Anthro) OR
SOC 105 (Intro. to Sociology)
A&P I and A&P II
Minimum GPA 2.8 for Pre-requisite courses. (But lowest accepted last year was a 3.5) Admits 80 students each Fall out of about 300 applicants.
Rank-ordering of applicants' GPA for the 8 pre-requisite courses starting with 4.0. No entrance exam.
I will be applying January 1, 2007.