As a student nurse it seemed the seasoned nurses all had an opinion on what was the best shift to "learn the ropes". It seemed the the majority felt that the 1st shift was maybe the least new nurse friendly.
I was just wondering what shift in LTC is best? I know it will depend. I was hired at a LTC (psych) facility and they needed help on the 3-11 shift so I took it part time. In orientation one nurse felt that 7-3 was the best shift and the other felt the 11-7 shift was the best (no twelves at this facility). I am not really happy with 3-11 only because I have young children and I am going to miss having dinner with the family and just hanging out with them after school on the days I work. I would have loved the 11-7 shift because they are sleeping and I could catch up on sleep while they are in school (I know it is easier said than done).
Then I was wondering if the 7-3 shift while they were in school would be best. I am worried that 3-11 is maybe the worse shift and not just for my selfish reasons of missing the family.
So what in your opinion aside from the family is the best shift for a new grad nurse.
Thanks everyone. :)