What might I see on a neurosurgery floor?


Specializes in med surg ltc psych.

Good evening to all, curious about this specialty. I have an interview this week and this is the unit for the job posting. I had previously worked on an ortho/neuro floor in the past and wonder if it might be the very same or quite different. You know they don't divulge any information what so ever when you are contacted for an interview.. and don't ask them any questions either! Just go.

Good evening to all, curious about this specialty. I have an interview this week and this is the unit for the job posting. I had previously worked on an ortho/neuro floor in the past and wonder if it might be the very same or quite different. You know they don't divulge any information what so ever when you are contacted for an interview.. and don't ask them any questions either! Just go.
Psych patients, brain tumors, shunts, lots of back surgeries, lots of chronic back pain pts, parkinsons, TBI, compulsive pts, confused pts, HA, terminal brain cancers, epilepsy,seizures, anti-seizure medications, high fall risk pts, bed alarms, restraints, neuro checks, spinal cord assessments, paralysis, trach care, feeding tubes, lots,lots lots more! Very demanding job but can be rewarding. I have worked on a neuro floor for a year now, can't wait until I have worked two years to get my CNRN

I currently work on a neurosurgery floor and this is the type of patients we see:

Head injuries (Intracranial pressure, concussion)


Back injuries

Brain, head, neck, and back surgeries


Mental status changes - AKA confused (including Dementia/Alzheimers)

Any patients that present with numbness/tingling that can possibly be from nerve/neurological origin

Migraine HA

Spinal meningitis

MS - Multiple Sclerosis


Myasthenia Gravis

ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

HD - Huntington's disease

That's the gist of it. I may have missed some, but that's all I could think of off the top of my head. Good luck!

Specializes in med surg ltc psych.

Thank you all for your replies. I was feeling apprehensive about this and your descriptions validate this. After being off an ortho neuro floor for 3 yrs, I doubt this would be a position I could "ease into." I only had post neck and back surgery patients in the past and it was very demanding, and all those PCA pumps! I don't think I'm ready to go into this. I so appreciate you sharing.

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