Published Oct 1, 2018
1 Post
I've been a nurse for close to 18 years, and have loved every minute of it. I've worked LDRP, NICU, ER, Peds, Home Health, and enjoyed them all, but for the past four years my back has become a major issue. I've had a partial discectomy due to cauda equina, have since had that disc and the disc below it herniate three more times, and have recurring anular tears even after repair. I have DJD and I'm only in my thirties. The location of the discs make lifting impossible, and sitting unbearable. What jobs are available that could accommodate these hindrances?
VivaLasViejas, ASN, RN
22 Articles; 9,996 Posts
The first thing that comes to mind is a desk job of some kind. Fortunately, there is a wide variety of them, from case management/utilization review to MDS nurse to telephone advice. You are obviously a versatile nurse with varied experiences and you would be an asset to any company smart enough to hire you. Some desk jobs require a BSN, so if you haven't obtained that degree you may want to consider going back to school; but otherwise, I think you can do well with what you have. Good luck, and welcome to Allnurses!
191 Posts
certain telephone
case management
insurance company stuff
upper management
psych- but less so than the above