Published Oct 6, 2014
OrganizedChaos, LVN
1 Article; 6,883 Posts
Is there any job I can work from home as an LVN? I've worked as an LVN for 4 years in a variety of areas. I know it would be easier to work from home as an RN but I can't go back to school right now because I am taking care of my 4 month old son while my husband works in the oil field.
I do plan on going back to school & work. I miss working & hope there is some type of work I can do from home.
HouTx, BSN, MSN, EdD
9,051 Posts
You're looking for a job that you can do at the same time you are caring for your baby? You haven't indicated your level of experience or expertise - but if you have sufficient experience, you may be able to do chart reviews for an insurance company. That's all that comes to mind. Congrats on the baby!
I've worked in corrections, PDN, LTC & drug rehab. If I could do chart review that would be great. I miss working so much!
Thank you on the suggestion!
1 Post
Check at a company called Alere but you would still need a sitter while you work from home.
My son is actually pretty well behaved for 4 months. He only cries when he's teething or hungry. But I'll look into that company, thanks!