What is the most important Pathophysiology for Nurse Anesthesia?

Nursing Students SRNA


I found the most awesome Pathology book. Robbins Basic Pathology and it is not a difficult read(so far). I read some Cell Injury & Heart and love it so far. What chapter/systems should I give the most attention to to get the most out of my ICU experience and more prepared for CRNA school?

My guess:

Chapters 1&2 Cell Injury & Inflammation(Becsuse they are basic and foundational for all the other chapters)

3. Hemodynamic Disorders

12. Lung

10. Heart

22. Central Nervous System

6. Genetic & Pediatric Diseases (Because these types require surgery often, make sense?

How about your take?

Table of contents can be viewed here: Robbins basic pathology 9th edition

Forget Patho.. Be well versed in holistic theories and you will do well in nursing!

Thank you. I should try not to be so sensitive about negativity it's always gonna be out there. Thank you for actually answering my question I appreciate it so much. I really want to especially solidify these topics in the RN program.

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