I've been noticing a trend when I inject heparin and want to make sure I'm not doing something wrong. When I inject, I'm seeing the almost immediate formation of a nodule at the injection site. It's usually hard and literally grows before my eyes. I asked the nursing professor about it and she had no clue (that was during one of my first injections). Since then, I've given heparin maybe 3 other times, and I've seen the nodule each time. I asked the patient if it felt different from his other injections and he said no. He said the lump just feels tender.I documented it and assumed it was an allergic reaction. But now that is seen it with other patients, I'm wondering if I'm injecting too deep? Not deep enough? None of my professors or the nurses seem to know. But if I'm doing something wrong, I want to nip it in the bud!