What should I think?!?!


Ok so I live in Tennessee. I just graduated recently and all my classmates except about 4 have recieved their ATT!?!?!?! I called the BON today and all they said was they have 4 weeks and if my app is missing anything or whatever they would send me a letter! So no info AT ALL! There are only a few spots left in the testing centers near me right now! I am a wreck. I feel like if I am looking at 4 weeks and then maybe another 4 to schedule my test I am going to forget everything I have learned. Not to mention I am having a panic attack nearly every day! I did my background check 2 months ago, my application, fee, transcripts and photo were all sent in at the same time as everyone else. So what is up? Why can't I get any info from BON? Do they purposely torture people?

You're possibly so eager that it feels like torture, I've been there. They actually do eventually send your att after everything checks out.the first time I took my nclex it took months...the second time it took a few days. Bon ppl are mysterious. Maybe doing practice questions will help you not forget your material and lastly, I'm a little worried about panic attacks everyday....you DON'T want that happening during the exam.

Thank you for trying to make me feel better. I did hear from my BON and it wasn't good. I was a little to eager and should have done soem research before I sent in my application. At this point I am not sure I will ever be able to sit for my boards. Unfortunatly I have an expunged record that for the last 14 years has never been an issue. I was under the impression that a person did not have to disclose an expunged record and I never have before but when it comes to the board of nursing I was SO wrong. They had to dig deep to find it. I am supposed to provide documents from the incident but the court that expunged it doesn't even have the records. All I can get from them is a letter stating that there are no records available. Its weird though I didnt have to hire a lawyer to expunge my record it was part of the plea bargain I took as long as I paid my 50 dollar fine (yes I said 50 bucks) no court cost and unsupervised probation as long as I didnt get into any more trouble it would be gone. and it is.....or was until now.

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