What should I do??


I am in a med term class. We took a test on monday, we had to use a scantron sheet. I marked all my answers on the test itself so I could check them after it was done. Well I only got 1 wrong and today I looked at the test scores and he has it marked as I missed 6. There is no way I missed that many. I don't know what to do. I need to get an A in this class and if this is how things are going to be then I'm not going to even waste my time by going....

Specializes in Telemetry/Med Surg.

Perhaps you can meet with the instructor and review the questions that were marked wrong that you believe you got right. As far as wasting your time by going.......to school you mean? How is it a waste of time? You're learning, aren't you?

If I don't make all A's I can't get into the program and all other programs have waiting list a mile long.

Scantron scores aren't usually wrong. If you think his answer key was wrong you should ask him to review your score with you.

Well I had a different class tonight and the instructor had us circle our answers in pen because the scantrons are notoriously wrong there. He said if someone erases an answer then it will usually mark it wrong.

Well I had a different class tonight and the instructor had us circle our answers in pen because the scantrons are notoriously wrong there. He said if someone erases an answer then it will usually mark it wrong.

I am surprised your prof didn't tell you that before your first test. Most of them have white-out on hand so you can cover up erorificed answers. Usually they will look over the scantrons to check for that anyway. I'd definately ask to have your test re-checked :).

Specializes in Critical Care.

In my class, a student said the exact same thing you did. She said she knew she only got a certain # wrong and not the amt the prof. said she did. She met with the prof and turns out she mismarked them on the scantron. She was off by one and so although she had marked them correctly on the test sheet, the scantron showed different answers. Did this happen to you?

Also, if the scantron machine is marking them wrong, then all you should have to do is go to the prof and ask to see your scantron sheet and compare what you marked and know is the correct answer to what the scantron says are the right and wrong answers and then you'll know if the scantron machine messed up.

I don't have class until tomorrow. I checked the marks twice to make sure I put them in the right spot. I did erase a few so I think that could be it. I don't want to email the teacher with my concern because what if I did mess up? I marled what I put on my scantron on the test paper so I know what I put down but I don't want to come across as pissed and rub him the wrong way. I wish they let us take it at the library on the computers so it can still be easy for them and not so bad for us. but it is what it is.

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