I apologize if this is in the wrong forum however I figured a question such as this could be answered here.
I am going to school right now to get my RN and am finishing up my second semester of pre-reqs with Straight A's
Geriatric Nursing is the field that has interested me the most ever since I have started schooling for nursing. I know the basics of what it is, but I can't seem to find any articles through searches about the downsides of it. I will be doing clinicals for a CNA program this summer and of course it will be included once I get into my nursing program as well.
I like being prepared for what I am about to face and I can't seem to find any information on the bad side of it. what stresses Geriatric nurses out the most? What filters the nurses out who can't exactly handle this type of nursing if there are any things such as that?
The other question I would have at the moment would be is it hard to find a job for this specific field? My counselor has told me that with all of the baby boomers aging all at once that I shouldn't have much of a problem. Additionally I will more than likely have CNA experience working in some kind of care facility if possible.
It is what I want to do most in theory so I am trying to learn the good and the bad about it before I get quite deep into it.
Any information helps immensely and thanks again :)
Thank you for looking and responding! :)