What should I buy?


What are some things that you would suggest buying for nursing school that may not actually be on my school list? Are there any books/other materials that helped you even though they weren't on your school booklist?

A drug book is definitely helpful, for looking up different medications that you are unsure about.

Specializes in Hospice, Palliative Care.

If you are allowed to use smartphones at clinicals (some locations don't allow it), then save money on a soon to be out of date drug book and use Epocrates online, Medscape, Nursing Central, etc.

Specializes in PICU, Sedation/Radiology, PACU.

It would be helpful if you provide the list of items that your school gave you. Since you asked for items that aren't on that list, we can't answer without knowing what you already are required to buy.

Nursing Central for fast and easy med lookups when writing care plans and also for informational purposes. Almost every acute care clinical I've had has their own drug guide on their internal website if clinicals prohibit smart phone usage (for the Nursing Central drug guide).

Med-Surg clinical companion book.

Above all else I'd buy time if possible. Time to study, time to get that procrastination out of the way so you can get to studying. Time for yourself so you can maintain sanity and then get back to studying. For me it was doable to put off studying until 3-7 days before a test until Med-Surg. Many things that weren't learned or retained in A&P and Pathophysiology will come back to bite me in Med-Surg and this can be overcome with lots of studying and reviewing, but it takes a lot of time and it's not the only class vying for time during the semester.

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