What is going on with me?


I recently graduated nursing school and have just been feeling extremely off lately. I don't know how to describe it but my back feels achy, i have constant tension headaches and have zero energy or motivation. It's been such a strange feeling especially since I've always loved to be physically active and like to get out and enjoy life, but now getting out of bed feels like a chore-- much less getting to the gym or out running like I normally enjoy doing!! The strange part is I don't feel sad or down about anything, and have no history of depression or anything like this before. Even simple things like eating, cleaning the house, showering seem like too much to do. At first I attributed this to needing some down time after an insane year (I did a 1 year BSN program that was go go go all the time), but its been over a month now so that doesn't seem like a valid reason anymore. I really need to feel like myself again and get on with my life, but I don't know what to do -- especially since there is no explanation for it! Has anyone felt like this before or have any ideas on what may cause this? Any advice would be appreciated!

Specializes in LTC, MDS, Education.

Could be a lot of things. Depression, menopause, anemia etc. But most importantly, you need to get a complete medical work-up. ASAP. When we are caught up in the merry-go-round of nursing school, we often neglect taking care of ourselves and/or ignoring symptoms because we just don't have time to be sick. Or God forbid take a sick day.

Anyway, please see a doctor or NP. STAT! Also, welcome to the site and please keep us posted. We are a pretty caring group! :flwrhrts:

Specializes in Psych (25 years), Medical (15 years).

Mearoon TX:

I attended a seminar on stress some years back and was introduced to a concept. Basically, this concept said that stress suppresses our immune system. That's one reason why we seem to be able to brave difficult times. Once the stressful situation is relieved and our immune system is no longer suppressed, symptoms of illness manifest themselves.

Bedpan76 gave some good advice- if you're really concerned, get any identifiable organic cause out of the way. If nothing physiological can be found, you might consider the bio-rythmic thing: You're merely experiencing a trough after a peak.

Something for your consideration. The best to you.


I'm transitioning to my RN now and you just described me...

Just an update- I went to the doctor and found out that my iron level was LOW, couple that with all the weight I lost due to inadequate nutrition and stress (i'm 5'9" and dropped down to 120 lbs) over the past year and surprise surprise this = NO ENERGY... so glad I got it figured out and fixed b/c I managed to get my energy back , pass my NCLEX and have the motivation to work on applying for jobs again. Thank goodness it was nothing major, because I was starting to feel depressed because of these symptoms... Thank you for your support :-)

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