What should i do? Drop out or stay?


I currently struggling in med-surg! I study and i study and yet i continue to fail.. I have made a 65, 75, 74.67, my average is a 71.5 on my tests and i need a 75 average to pass!! I have only a final and test to go and im on the fence whether i should drop out!! help me please

Specializes in L&D.

Can you repeat the course? Only you can decide what to do. How will it affect your financial aid?

If it were me, I know I would stay and try as hard as I could and hope for the best. And if I still failed, repeat the class.

KEEP GOING!!!!! I failed my first semester of nursing school. Towards the end of that first semester, I knew it was a strong possibility. But it was a learning experience, and every bit of info/lecture can be helpful in some capacity. Luckily I was able to repeat that first semester, I was hired prior to graduation, and am now 1 year away from completing my FNP. Just keep going, be your own cheerleader and drag yourself through it. You will be so thankful for yourself in the end. You will realize your strengths!

Specializes in Community Health/School Nursing.

Stick with it! You can do it!!! You are not so far out that you can't paddle your way back to shore! I failed my second semester of Med/Surg due to the calculations tests. I was able to retake it the next semester and passed with flying colors. So, either way (if you can repeat) you will come out on top!

Hang in there!

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