What would you have done? Episiotomy

Specialties Ob/Gyn


Starting my program in the fall, so this is not a HW question.

I only just now got around to watching this video even though I've heard about it for months now.

Video makes me sick, maybe its because I'd never seen and episiotomy and the lies everyone is telling her to try and get her to consent.

As a nurse, if your patient is very clearly NOT consenting to a procedure or really not wanting one and the doctor so blatantly went ahead and did it/tried to do it , what would you do? How would you have acted as the nurse in this situation?

What is the extend of your responsibility in a case like this? Furthermore, how common is it, or for OBs to perform one without even notifying the mom, or do most women just begrudgingly consent?

Specializes in Nurse Leader specializing in Labor & Delivery.
I think we should all get together, hound some celebrities for some money, and open a birthing center together, lol.

Only if I can be the clinic manager! :)

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