What my DON said about getting rid of LPN's


She said, in 1985 she started as an LPN, and when she was in school, they were told they would Graduate without a job! That was 1985, she is now an RN.

She said "LPN's are licensed by the state!! Who's going to get rid of them?? If the state doesn't do it, the hospitals can't. She said there is "talk" of grandfathering LPN's to RN's.... She said she LOVES LPN's she was one, and has LPN's in management. She added there will ALWAYS be work for LPN's. ;)

[ May 04, 2001: Message edited by: Future LPN Sheryl ]

Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by Susy K:

Stick, thanks for your reply - but I think I am speaking accurately when I say that Jason wasn't comparing JUST LPNs to trained monkeys. I think that of ANY nursing psychomotor skill, performed by ANY level of a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to insert a cath, give a shot, change a bed.

No it doesn't Susk, and it doesn't take a genius to see that jason's post was insensitive, inaccurate, belittling, degrading, and downright ignorant..period! I don't care what his point was, he lost it, when he lowering his communication to trying to elevate his "superior" knowledge, and make wild generalizations for which he has NO basis! LPN can't think critically?? Is that your assumption also?? Please enlighten us all as to how, the above "RNs", were critcally thinking in the stories he related in one his own posts? How he belittle, and without an actually knowledge of the situation, except for second hand information, label all the CNAs in that story, on that unit, as lazy, and spoke of how "they" falsified vital signs! Tell me how fair, and accurate he was when he labeled the RN's incompetence as being overloaded, that a patient in the story was never check ALL nite!!! His words not mine! How a "seasoned" RN, titated a Dopamine drip to 22mcgs??? Where was this persons critically thinking?? I get sooooo tired of this whose better than who crap! If an LPN has made those statements, it would have been..."see how these LPNs disrespect us RNs!! Awwww why bother...it's an age old discussion, that will continue as long as there are those who feel the need to degrade others for their shortcomings! I pray that one day, the infestation, that infects some with degrees, will one day be inoculated with a little respect for themselves, and then for those they interacte with! Until then...no amount of RNs with BSNs, or MSN, or anything else will unite this field we call nursing. There will always be those, who will go a little further to prove how much better than are, than someone else!

It has to start within the person, before they ever start their education! It has to be ingrain into their hearts, why they are in this "profession"! Not to elevate themselves, but to elevate others, with a little humility, and the ability to inspire others, not bashed them on the head, with who, and what they are!

No post on here ever stated, that LPNs were better than RNs, but if you read the prior posts, there were concerning a long ago suppose to happen thing, that had nothing to do with LPNs thinking they were RNs, as if they was such a lofty goal to achieve, that it was beyond our ability to aspire to! It wasn't just his misconception about LPNs being equated with monkeys, but his entire response ..period!



Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by Susy K:

Stick, thanks for your reply - but I think I am speaking accurately when I say that Jason wasn't comparing JUST LPNs to trained monkeys. I think that of ANY nursing psychomotor skill, performed by ANY level of a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to insert a cath, give a shot, change a bed.

Neither does it take a genius to do anything that an BSN does either! An example is the BSN I watched write her assessment, without EVER taking her stetoscope out of her pocket. Must have obtained the information she charted, though assumption! And LPN don't just give shots, change beds, and insert cath!



Specializes in Everything except surgery.
Originally posted by Susy K:

Stick, thanks for your reply - but I think I am speaking accurately when I say that Jason wasn't comparing JUST LPNs to trained monkeys. I think that of ANY nursing psychomotor skill, performed by ANY level of a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to insert a cath, give a shot, change a bed.

Neither does it take a genius to do anything that an BSN does either! An example is the BSN I watched write her assessment, without EVER taking her stetoscope out of her pocket. Must have obtained the information she charted, though assumption! And LPN don't just give shots, change beds, and insert cath!



Wow... I've only enough time to briefly skim these posts, but there appears to be many "heart-felt" responses ;)

Anyway, I wanted apologize for an insensitive statement that I had written. I remembered today that I had thoughtlessly written "a trained monkey" could perform some of the skills that nurses". Although such a statement is clearly unfounded, I would like to point out that I did not mean to suggest that LPNs are analogous to "trained monkeys". That was an asinine comment on my part. I have always been the first to admit that the psychomotor skills of LPNs are stellar in comparison to myself. Don't worry. I'll read all of the responses later. I'm sure some good points were brought out. ;)

Again, my apologies for the comment :)

Wow... I've only enough time to briefly skim these posts, but there appears to be many "heart-felt" responses ;)

Anyway, I wanted apologize for an insensitive statement that I had written. I remembered today that I had thoughtlessly written "a trained monkey" could perform some of the skills that nurses". Although such a statement is clearly unfounded, I would like to point out that I did not mean to suggest that LPNs are analogous to "trained monkeys". That was an asinine comment on my part. I have always been the first to admit that the psychomotor skills of LPNs are stellar in comparison to myself. Don't worry. I'll read all of the responses later. I'm sure some good points were brought out. ;)

Again, my apologies for the comment :)

Originally posted by Susy K:

Stick, thanks for your reply - but I think I am speaking accurately when I say that Jason wasn't comparing JUST LPNs to trained monkeys. I think that of ANY nursing psychomotor skill, performed by ANY level of a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to insert a cath, give a shot, change a bed.

I'm sorry Susy k, but I have to disagree. Jason WAS speaking of LPN's when he compared our intellect to trained monkeys. He spoke of LPN's lack of critical thinking skills, not an RN's. Like I said before, what he said was VERY unprofessional. I am not comparing my education to his or any other RN, as I am not as qualified as an RN, but I am more qualified than a monkey. I'm sorry, but he compared LPN's to trained monkeys, not anyone else.

Originally posted by Susy K:

Stick, thanks for your reply - but I think I am speaking accurately when I say that Jason wasn't comparing JUST LPNs to trained monkeys. I think that of ANY nursing psychomotor skill, performed by ANY level of a nurse. It doesn't take a genius to insert a cath, give a shot, change a bed.

I'm sorry Susy k, but I have to disagree. Jason WAS speaking of LPN's when he compared our intellect to trained monkeys. He spoke of LPN's lack of critical thinking skills, not an RN's. Like I said before, what he said was VERY unprofessional. I am not comparing my education to his or any other RN, as I am not as qualified as an RN, but I am more qualified than a monkey. I'm sorry, but he compared LPN's to trained monkeys, not anyone else.

Wow. This really trips me out.

Appears some of you are debating.

I would like to point out something. Debating a point is only effective when the participants are defined. One is usually anti- while the other is pro-. The topic up for debate needs to be clearly defined. Then points are raised and equal time is alotted each side. Statements made need to be based in fact and therefore, accepted by the opponent.

There is more to consider but this is the basic layout for a real debate.

What we have here is a free for all. It is infuriating because much of what is being said is off base, without support, and more emotional than intellectual.

Let's just chill out and be nurses. We can sympathize with each other and be there for each other. We can help each other with advice, and comfort after a long shift. We can tell our funny stories, and laugh.

There will always be opponents. We are all opponents. Abortion rights vs. murder, LPN vs RN, ADN vs. BSN, Nurse vs Doctor, administration vs staff, good vs bad, and me vs you. Some of us are smart as a whip. Some of us are compassionate. Some of us are burned out. Some of us are young and idealistic. We are all here though. We have all chosen to read these words, and write these words.

I am as bad as anyone at becoming furious, and at provoking fury. Tonight though I am feeling good. Do you?


Wow. This really trips me out.

Appears some of you are debating.

I would like to point out something. Debating a point is only effective when the participants are defined. One is usually anti- while the other is pro-. The topic up for debate needs to be clearly defined. Then points are raised and equal time is alotted each side. Statements made need to be based in fact and therefore, accepted by the opponent.

There is more to consider but this is the basic layout for a real debate.

What we have here is a free for all. It is infuriating because much of what is being said is off base, without support, and more emotional than intellectual.

Let's just chill out and be nurses. We can sympathize with each other and be there for each other. We can help each other with advice, and comfort after a long shift. We can tell our funny stories, and laugh.

There will always be opponents. We are all opponents. Abortion rights vs. murder, LPN vs RN, ADN vs. BSN, Nurse vs Doctor, administration vs staff, good vs bad, and me vs you. Some of us are smart as a whip. Some of us are compassionate. Some of us are burned out. Some of us are young and idealistic. We are all here though. We have all chosen to read these words, and write these words.

I am as bad as anyone at becoming furious, and at provoking fury. Tonight though I am feeling good. Do you?


Enough is enough lets all get along. I know I am a good nurse and it doesnt take someone else to tell me otherwise. We all need each other as nurses and I dont care how long anyone has been in school as I have said before it just means its something you have wanted to do for yourself hopefully not to make you think you are better than someone else.I know people that have spent a large portion of their lives in college and cant get a decent job.Its who you are as a person and what you bring to the job. SO LETS ALL GET ALONG! :rolleyes:

Enough is enough lets all get along. I know I am a good nurse and it doesnt take someone else to tell me otherwise. We all need each other as nurses and I dont care how long anyone has been in school as I have said before it just means its something you have wanted to do for yourself hopefully not to make you think you are better than someone else.I know people that have spent a large portion of their lives in college and cant get a decent job.Its who you are as a person and what you bring to the job. SO LETS ALL GET ALONG! :rolleyes:

I'm confused. All this talk about grandfathers and trained monkeys. I thought this was a nursing site. I'm an LPN who could be grandfathered but I think the surgery would be expensive, and training monkeys should be left to the specialists. Nurses week should be holding each others hands, not slapping them away. We are all connected together in some way because we are nurses. The caring we provide for our patients is like an invisible bond between us. Kind of like superglue, which makes us tenacious on some subjects. Maybe that's what makes us such great nurses - our super sensitivity. leesonlpn is sending a hug out to each and every one of you. No strings attached, ('cept for a little glue) :D :D

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