What is it CNL really? Where can you work? How much do they get paid? Job description


I've noticed a couple schools in south Florida offering a CNL (Clinical Nurse Leader) MSN what is this really? I looked on-line and it is still not clear to me. Where can you work? I noticed the classes were similar to the nurse practioner classes except the concentration classes. What is the pay difference from a regular RN? Will it benefit it the future as a long-term goal. I don't like education or administration. NP is ok but filled with a lot of responsibilities and the ones that I see work a lotttttt. So I was thinking about the CNL for my master's. Please help me out

I just graduated from this program two weeks ago. To carry the title of Clinical Nurse Leader you must take the CNL certification exam which consists of 150 questions. I take mine this Friday. If you do not pass, you will still have a masters degree in the area, but not considered a CNL. The CNL is an advanced generalist. There are definitons and comparisons on the AACN website or just type in http://www.aacn.nche.edu/cnl/CNLCNSComparisonTable.pdf A clinical nurse specialist who is an advanced practice nurse, a CNL is an advanced generalist. Go to the AACN website and go to the clinical nurse leader section. The next website is http://samples.jbpub.com/9780763776312/76312_CH01_Harris.pdf

A word of advise...if you live in the Midwest look at the state directory for CNL s. My state only has 22 and a good portion of those are educators who have taken the test to teach. If you are on the east or west coast you are likely to find positions in the CNL field. In the Midwest they are not being used as CNL's, but as other fields such as resource nurses, coordinators, directors, risk analyst, outcomes managers etc.

A (+) note is the VA says there has to be 2 CNL s in every VA facility across the US by 2014.

Hey Francjcamp,

I'm starting my first year for the CNL program and I have ton of questions and no real answers thus far. I unfortunately don't have the ability to send private messages because I don't have a high enough post count. Could you send me a PM if you have free time?

Hey Francjcamp,

I'm starting my first year for the CNL program and I have ton of questions and no real answers thus far. I unfortunately don't have the ability to send private messages because I don't have a high enough post count. Could you send me a PM if you have free time?


How are you doing? Did you find the answers you were looking for?

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