What branch?????


I would like to know what branch has a faster promotion, and which one is slower for an RN?? I am prior service and spent alot of time in the field, I have since gone on to get my RN and was wondering which branch would be best for a family, and for promotions...any and all comments would be greatly appreciated...Thanks in advance..

Specializes in EMT, ER, Homehealth, OR.

From what I have heard the AF is the slowest to get to O-4. But do not choice a service based on the time it takes to get promoted. You will need to speak with all the services to see which one is the best fit for you and your family. What service were you prior service in?

Specializes in Anesthesia.

The AF is supposed to be back on track for promotions to O-4, but I will wait till my board next year to see if that is actually true or not.

I second the opinion of not picking the service based on promotion rates. All three military branches are very close in promotion timelines these days.

To somewhat answer your question though:

Fastest promotion rates:


2. Army

3. AF/Navy

Then you also have to consider what rank you will most commonly will top out at, and what you have to do to get there for each branch. USPHS is best in both categories when you are just considering rank/top promotion abilities.

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