What do you do when the BON is no help?


I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts. I am currently enrolled at Galen College of Nursing in Louisville, Ky. I plan on taking my NCLEX-RN here, and doing the RN-BSN program at Indiana Wesleyan. I contacted the BON in Ma. about my concern with my schooling meeting their requirements. They told me to ask Professional Credential Services, so I did. They told me Galen in an accredited school (I hope they meant in Ma. because I know it is accredited here), they did not tell me about Indiana Wesleyan. I asked Indiana Wesleyan through email if they know if they meet the MA. requiremetns. No response. Any ideas?

The MA BON won't care about your RN-to-BSN program -- the BONs are only concerned with the program that you completed to become an RN in the first place. That's the only one that matters for licensure.

The MA BON won't care about your RN-to-BSN program -- the BONs are only concerned with the program that you completed to become an RN in the first place. That's the only one that matters for licensure.

I didn't know that. Thank you!

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