Published Oct 9, 2008
212 Posts
I am thinking about moving to Massachusetts. I am currently enrolled at Galen College of Nursing in Louisville, Ky. I plan on taking my NCLEX-RN here, and doing the RN-BSN program at Indiana Wesleyan. I contacted the BON in Ma. about my concern with my schooling meeting their requirements. They told me to ask Professional Credential Services, so I did. They told me Galen in an accredited school (I hope they meant in Ma. because I know it is accredited here), they did not tell me about Indiana Wesleyan. I asked Indiana Wesleyan through email if they know if they meet the MA. requiremetns. No response. Any ideas?
14,633 Posts
The MA BON won't care about your RN-to-BSN program -- the BONs are only concerned with the program that you completed to become an RN in the first place. That's the only one that matters for licensure.
I didn't know that. Thank you!