What is the BEST and WORST nursing fields?

Nurses General Nursing


From your experience, what do you think is the best and worst nursing fields? (which floor- medsurg, ob, telemetry, hospice..nursing homes etc etc)

Best- rewarding, good patient ratio, job satisfaction, hours, less burn out.. more aids to help out, less risk of malpractice, low turn over rate..

Worst- HIGH TURN OVER RATE, worst patient ratio, no job satisfaction, bad hours, nurses just hate their jobs and want to slack off, highest risk of getting sued.

tell us which nursing field you love and why?. :paw:

My husband works with people with serious mental disabilities trying to make it on their own, and he describes the work as a breeze, just hangin' and helping them cope. The only thing we could all agree on is that toxic people can poison a work environment. To each his own.

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