Published Jul 23, 2004
Energizer Bunny
1,973 Posts
I guess I must have zoned out in Nutrition class last night....what is Atherosclerosis and how does it occur from Uncontrolled Blood Glucose? Thanks!
leslie :-D
11,191 Posts
atherosclerosis means your arteries are hardened due to an accumlation of fat on the inner layer of the artery. the implications point to coronary artery disease with risk for obstruction of one of the main arteries.
when glucose has run haywire in your body, other mechanisms compete, mainly from the liver. fat cells (stored in the liver) go to the cells to provide the energy that the glucose is unable to. thus, these fatty cells too, attach themselves to the artery walls.
being a new nsg. student, i hope you understood some of this explanation.
sending love your way.
leslie xo
THanks Leslie....think I got it!!!! xoxoxox right back at ya!